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After starting this journey w/ our God in 1986, He continues to teach me and show me more and more of Himself. He often uses other people to do that....

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Winter is taking a tremendous toll on me this year.  The temperatures have been so ridiculously low and my attitude has not been even close to grateful.  The contrast between Florida at Christmas and Wisconsin in January are too great...maybe we won't do that again anytime soon.  

So, I was driving up to Portage today for a training thing at church through another dumping of snow and I was asking God about winter.  "God, why do we need winter, anyway?"  And I turned my radio off and just made a sincere effort to tune in and listen to Him.  Here's what my heart was struck with, and I think I'll take this as His answer:

"The snow keeps coming, doesn't it?  It's steady, like God is.  It makes everything clean.  You may not see it clearly, but the winter has it's purpose, given by God.  He knows the balance of nature and what the earth needs and what we need.  If life was always sunshine and beaches and green grass, we'd be so bored with GOOD it would be ridiculous.  Winter is a good time to take stock and step back and listen. "  

Its almost like God was saying, "Trust Me, I do happen to know what I'm doing up here.  As steady and relentless as the winter is, so is My love for you."  I just soaked that in.  And rested in the "wintri-ness" of things right now.