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After starting this journey w/ our God in 1986, He continues to teach me and show me more and more of Himself. He often uses other people to do that....

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Well, nothing too deep to write about today (wow!). Life has been on a pretty even keel....sort of strange to find myself not bothered or troubled by much. I heard a good message at an evangelism conference we went to this weekend on holiness and it left me longing for the Holiness of God in my own life. I'm beginning to see glimpses of it! Here are a few:
  • Driving back from the conference yesterday, I got behind a slow farmer on a long road with a pile of maneur in the trailer he was pulling. I slowed down, turned off my radio, and heard God speak to my heart, "I want you to slow down in life. Look around you. I made all this." I thoroughly enjoyed the 20 minutes I spent behind Farmer Joe, looking at the scenery that he likely takes in and enjoys every day.
  • As we start to see glimpses of Spring, I find myself thanking God a lot lately for the newness of life He promises and delivers every day.
  • When a client has a breakthrough or is doing especially well, I can tend to pat myself on the back from time to time, quietly owing it all to my natural ability and extensive training. This week, I had an especially good session with an older woman I've been working with. For the first time, she seemed hopeful for herself. After she left, I just sat still in my office and heard God say something like, "I am giving her hope. I may be using you for a small part of it, but I have been whispering to her heart for the entire two weeks since she saw you last." I felt a wave of humility sweep over me and asked, "God, why do you let me do this? I haven't done anything to deserve the awesome privilege of watching these things unfold in people's lives." "No, you really haven't. But let me work through you and amazing things will happen. I will give people hope." What a relief that He is constantly on the job. It takes so much unneeded pressure off my shoulders.
  • The "big sky" effect here in the Mid-west has been amazing lately. So many colors....orange, pink, gold. It's a hint of the newness of Spring and I've found myself turning off the radio and just taking it in on my way to work each day.

The Holiness of God has a way of making itself known in countless ways!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Quiet My Heart

God is quieting my heart in so many ways right now. Going over some things w/ the new counselor is really clearing my head about an awful lot. Some things I just missed or didn't get to in my 14 other rounds of counseling...so glad I gave myself room and permission to do this for myself.

We were singing "I am free..." in church on Sunday and it had a very new ring to it. Some cool things/opportunities are coming up these days. The crisis pregnancy center where I volunteer asked me to pray about joining their speaker's bureau to promote the center and the post-abortion ministry in area churches. They're having a speaking/communicating training led by an area communications professor to help with skills for doing this. Very cool....scary, but I am so ready to push out of my comfort zone a little.

Bye for now...